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Friday, October 07, 2005


Hog Callin' ... Sooooeeeeyy! Come get your Slop! Come get Slaughtered!

Why are the Redskins called the Hogs, anyway? They should just switch mascots, unless they're worried about insulting the country's porcine population?

Mitch and Maureen! Thanks for posting! It's great to see our little community come alive on the blog.

Wish we were all going to be at the game this weekend. As it stands, everyone in the club except for our very own M&M connection will be there (that's you Mitch and Maureen). Oh, and our out-of-towners, too. But I suppose we need people rooting from all over the city and country, too.

Here's something I heard this week ... Do not BOO Clinton Portis at the game. He's psyching himself up to use the Boos as motivation for his play. Wouldn't it be hilarious if, instead of boos, Portis is met with chirping crickets and silence? That would be funny. But the only player who has ever succeeded in getting Mile High to quiet down was Elway (when he'd shoosh the crowd prior to an offensive play, remember?).

I'm still hoping for a big game from Lelie (or at the very least, a big reception). He and Plummer have GOT to come through with a completed long pass one of these games! But just like last week, I think our win will rest on the capable shoulders of our Defense. Sure would be nice if the O could nail it to them too, though.

Scott and I will be at the game. Our friends, Jenny and Brett, and Ruby and Pete, managed to get tickets - so we'll all be ready to party and cheer our team on!

Go Broncos!

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